Every time you cook, your kitchen exhaust works hard to keep the kitchen comfortable to be in. Without it, you may accidentally set off your smoke alarm and burn your food - both nuisances that can be avoided by taking care of the kitchen exhaust. Just like other air ducts in your house, with proper cleaning and care, it’ll last you many years.
Be Aware Of Grease Building Up
Every time you cook, grease gets stuck in the kitchen exhaust. It doesn’t matter how careful you are with your cooking, or how fatty or non-fatty your food is - grease will always get stuck. The sticky nature of grease attracts dust, which then also gets stuck. The dirtier and greasier your kitchen exhaust is, the less it can do what it’s supposed to. You can clean it regularly yourself, but sometimes a professional clean is necessary to make sure it’s in tip top condition.
Air Doesn’t Flow Through The Exhaust
If dust and grease build up too much in the vent, they may impede airflow. When no or little air flows through the exhaust, it won’t effectively remove smoke from the stove during cooking. This makes it both uncomfortable and unnecessarily difficult to cook in your kitchen. If your kitchen exhaust has deteriorated in this way, our professionals can clean it out for you.
Include It In Your House Maintenance
You maintain your house on a regular basis by cleaning and doing minor repairs. Sometimes, however, you’ll do a thorough round of maintenance, using professionals for tasks as well. When doing these thorough maintenance sessions, don’t neglect your kitchen exhaust, or your other air ducts. We are experts in this, and we can clean them efficiently and properly.
It’s easy to forget about your air ducts. They’re just there, doing what they’re meant to do. But sometimes they do need attention. You don’t have to check them every single day, but keep them in mind when you’re cleaning the house or doing maintenance - and if they need professional attention, our experts are ready to help.